With a diversified economy that keeps going from strength to strength, Malta has over the years been a preferred option for companies seeking stability and good returns on their investment. Factors such as a transparent, competitive tax system; a strategic location and ease of access to regional markets; as well as the fact that English is the language for doing business are only a few of the elements that have attracted investment to Malta and, more importantly, ensured its ongoing success.
Another key factor in Malta’s success has undoubtedly been the availability of a highly-skilled workforce, which is arguably the most important resource for an archipelago of small islands that is otherwise lacking in natural resources. Conscious of this, successive pro-business administrations have consistently invested in education and training, either directly in public schools or education institutions, or else by supporting in the best possible manner investment from the private sector and creating the right environment for it to succeed.
Within this context, it comes as no surprise that a wide variety of foreign educational institutions, including universities and institutions for further and higher training, have already chosen to have a campus in Malta or to operate on the islands through local representatives. The potential for further growth remains nonetheless significant, particularly within the context of a growing expat community and consequent requirement of international schools, as well as increasing numbers of international students attracted to Malta by its excellent study-life balance.