News & Media

News & Media 2017-08-22T09:51:05+02:00

The Ying and Yang

Originating thousands of years ago, Traditional Chinese Medicine methods are diverse in their foundations and methodologies and may incorporate or base themselves on traditional and folk medicine, spiritual beliefs, or newly conceived approaches claiming to heal health related issues like arthritis, migraine, respiratory disorders, weight control and bowel disorders among [...]

February 20th, 2018|

Financial Services Scholarship Scheme

An agreement between the Malta Financial Services Authority and the Ministry for Education and Employment sees that for a period of two consecutive years the lump sum of fifty thousand euro per annum out of the annual profit generated by MFSA to be used for the purpose of providing [...]

February 16th, 2018|

Education Malta launched

Education Malta, a not-for-profit foundation whose primary objective is to promote the internationalisation of education in Malta and attract foreign educational entities to establish a presence in the country, has been set up by the Ministry for Education and Employment in partnership with the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise [...]

October 27th, 2016|